Rachel Ramirez Philosophy:
2. Find what "God" or "religion" means to you: I personally do not believe in a "God" I was raised to be Jewish, and spent five years in a Jewish private school. Now, I do not reject religion, but it's not for me. Instead, I believe in love, music, perfect coincidences, and science. I don't practice any religion, but I do believe in things and I think that some people can choose God, and others will choose to have "religion" mean something different to them, and that's fine.
3. Do not regret yesterday, tomorrow: Everyone must live in the present, live their current situation to the fullest. I saw a quote once, and it was something like, it is important to do something you enjoy each day because you wasted a day of your life doing it. Now, this quote made me think, for one I read it on the internet after watching three hours of Grey's Anatomy on Netflix, so it hit me, you only have one today, don't waste it. You should look ahead to the future and hope that there will be one, but don't take it for granted.
4. Today shapes tomorrow: Understand that the things you do and say will impact your future. I'm not saying every minute white lie, or that a persons future is predetermined, I just mean that it is important to remember that in 10 years, or five years you may be put into a situation where it may not be easy to deal with your past. For example, I think of your future spouse, or child, or how things impact your parents. People need to realize that their actions and words, have the full potential to change another person whether or not that person is present in their life at the time.
5. Hate is learned: I will fully agree with the the child development specialists that argue that personalities are predetermined. I believe that all individuals are born with some sort of special personality, in the same way that our DNA is different from one another. However, I do not think that hate is in the mix when personalities are predetermined. No child is born to hate, it is absolutely learned, and it shouldn't be. Babies are not born to be racist or sexist or discriminate another over their sexuality, religion, parents, socioeconomic stance. No child should learn how to hate.
6. In spite of fear, stand: It can be the most difficult thing in the world to stand in a room and realize that you are alone in your beliefs, that you do not have a friend who views the world in the same lens as you, but the only way to prove that you are not wrong for simply being different, is to stand up, hold your ground, hold your had high, and regardless of what they say, do not let anyone or fear stop you. Do not let fear suppress you.
7. Rely on yourself: It is unrealistic to expect others, or even a God to do things for you. It is unrealistic to wish upon stars and not follow up those wishes with hard work and determination. You may never fully achieve anything with the full faith that 'If God wants me to ____ then it will happen". You must go out and do things yourself. Yes, sure, have faith in your God, magic, stars, parents, connections, whatever it may be, but do not forget that when you do succeed or fail it is because of what you did or did not do.
I write these ideals from my own lief experiences, I am very passionate about helping others and loving each and every person. I think that the world is too often filled with hate and anger. I am a minority in many different ways and therefore it can be hard to stand alone, but it must be done or no one else will. I feel that we all must empower ourselves, and if in that power you find a a faith, run with it, but do not forget yourself. This is just what I believe in, and it is so much easier to write down guide lines for life, or to give advice than to follow it, but for the most part I do follow my own philosophies.